
Policy On Health, Safety, Security And Environment

This document is intended to establish minimum expectations for health, safety, and environmental (HSE) management of contractors. During the course of conducting project activities under contract to the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) within the JIP, adherence to safe working practices will be of paramount importance. Contracted Entities (CE’s) doing work on behalf of the JIP will be expected to manage their project activities in such a manner to reduce health, safety, and environmental risks to levels acceptable to the OGP and the JIP Executive Committee. Above all, risks should be managed so that “No One Gets Hurt” and there is “No Harm to the Environment”.


CE’s will be required to provide the following before being accepted by the JIP:

  • Proof of liability insurance commensurate with risks expected to be encountered during the project activities.
  • A risk assessment of their proposed project activities along with mitigation plans to reduce the identified risks.
  • A “Project Health, Safety and Environmental Plan” (Plan) should be submitted that describes how the CE will manage and mitigate safety, health and potential environmental risks associated with the project. Information such as training history, experience / qualification requirements, safety equipment lists, emergency response plans, environmental mitigations, required vaccinations, etc. should also be included with the Plan. Appendix A provides an example of information that may be included. Actual requirements may vary depending on the specific project / activity being proposed and the potential risks involved. When offshore projects are proposed, the CE is encouraged to refer to Det Norske Veritas (DNV) recommended practice for Risk Management in Marine and Subsea Operations, (DNV- H-101).
  • It is understood that in some instances all operational aspects of a project may not be known at the time of the bid. In these cases, the JIP reserves the right to accept the bidder based on assurances of further development of the “Plan” as more information becomes available.
  • For “low risk” projects, some elements of this guidance do not apply. OGP should reach agreement with CE’s for low risk projects on those elements of the HSE Plan that are/are not required. Generally, a low risk project would be one that does not require work in a laboratory or a field situation.
  • The CE shall not commence work without an acceptable and OGP-approved Plan, or agreement that the project is “low risk” and does not require certain elements of the Plan.

Responsibilities for reviewing and approving HSE plans

The OGP has the responsibility for approving project HSE Plans and ensuring they are in accordance with the JIP Guidance on Health, Safety, and Environment. In general, and for low risk, less complex projects, the OGP will have the necessary resources to review and approve HSE Plans. However, for complex projects and high risk projects the JIP Executive Committee’s HSE Working Group has co-responsibility for assisting in the review and approval process. OGP shall call on the HSE Working Group for assistance when such projects are being reviewed.

The HSE Working Group shall be composed of individuals from the Executive Committee and/or delegates having safety and environmental management knowledge and experience. In addition, OGP shall include one member in this working group who has contracting and/or management authority for JIP projects.

Depending on the complexity and perceived risk of the proposed project, the HSE Working Group may recommend to the Executive Committee Chairman and OGP one of several actions.

For example:

  1. If the project is deemed low risk with an acceptable HSE Plan, the Working Group may recommend proceeding with the project while monitoring execution of the HSE Plan.
  2. In cases where a HSE Plan is well defined and risks are perceived as medium to high, but the risks are appropriately managed and mitigated, the Working Group may recommend that the project go forward.
  3. There may be cases where the project is complicated with potentially high risks and a HSE Plan is submitted. In these cases it would be appropriate, as needed, for OGP to hire a third party safety HSE advisor to assist with reviewing and commenting on the plan.
  4. Another, situation could exist where the CE’s HSE Plan has not been fully developed and risks are perceived high enough to warrant the recommendation that the CE’s hire a third party safety HSE advisor to assist them in developing an acceptable plan.

In any case, after the review, the Working Group and OGP will submit their recommendations to the CE and either approve the HSE Plan or indicate where improvements are necessary so that approval can be given. It is envisioned the entire process i.e., review and approval, will often be accomplished via email. It is also envisioned that the HSE Working Group will choose a leader who will act on behalf of the entire group in communicating with the Executive Committee Chairman and OGP.

Project Execution

Once Project HSE Plans have been accepted by OGP and contracts have been executed, CE’s will be expected to manage their project activities as described in their proposed HSE Plan.

OGP, as the contracting agent, reserves the right to monitor (including by use of a third party HSE advisor) the project to ensure CE implementation of the “HSE Plan”. The CE may also wish to hire its own HSE advisor for some projects.

If OGP elects to hire a third party HSE advisor, the advisor should report findings to both the CE and OGP.

Project Completion

Upon project completion, the CE shall provide OGP with a written evaluation of the effectiveness of its HSE Plan, including a summary of near misses, unsafe acts and incident/accident reports. This information will provide useful feedback to ensure future projects of similar nature benefit from the knowledge and experience gained.

Example of process flow for review and approval of HSE plans

Process Flow

JIP Safety Roles and Responsibility

Actions: JIP ExCom Chair and Co-Chair JIP HSE working Group OGP Management CEs Project Management CEs 3rd party HSE advisor
HSE Plan Development
Note: may enlist aid of 3rd party safety advisor
Review and Advise adequacy of HSE Plan R R S S
HSE Plan Endorsement on behalf of JIP Participants R S, I, C
HSE Plan Approval A
HSE Plan Execution/Management R S
HSE Plan Monitoring for JIP S, I, C R S, I S, I
3rd Pty. Contracting / Stewardship S R S
Post Project Feedback / Analysis S R S S


Appendix “A”

This is an example List of HSE Plan Components that should be addressed by bidders for JIP projects. Not all elements will apply to each project. The project bidder should conduct a Job Safety and Environmental Risk assessment to identify the relevant risks for the project. Elements of the safety HSE plan should be based on the risks identified by this process.

  • Detailed Project Risk Assessment
    • Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA)
    • Identify mitigations to be employed to address the risks
    • Risk Matrix display of assessment before and after mitigation plan
  • Emergency Response Plan
    • Evacuation plan
    • Medical services plan and medical evacuation arrangements
  • Employee Qualifications
    • Work History & Experience
      • Note: if short term/no experience employees are on project, special actions may be required to further reduce risks.
    • Training History
  • Vessel certification & functionality, safety equipment certification, etc.
  • Communication Plan
    • Weekly, Monthly Safety HSE reports
    • Incident / Accident Reporting
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Roles and Responsibility Matrix
  • List of available safety and environmental equipment
  • Safety Meeting and Drill Schedule
  • Hazardous Material Management and Handling Plan

Note -other ancillary items will likely be required such as:

  • Copy of required permits
  • Proof of insurance

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