

The Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme provides financial support for independent researchers to study important global issues related to marine sound under the JIP’s five research areas. Support is usually given in the form of contracts, not grants. Contracts ensure that projects supported will focus on an agreed topic and that the results will be made available to the scientific and regulatory communities and the public on an agreed schedule.

New Request for Proposals (RFP) announcements for specific projects or project areas will be published on this website (and on other list servers such as MarMam and Bioacoustics L) based upon Research Topics of Interest as identified by the JIP. Research that addresses global issues in marine sound will be favoured over research that addresses local or regional issues.

More information on unsolicited proposals  can be found here.

Our policies require recipients to seek publication of study outcomes and results in peer-reviewed scientific journals, to ensure maximum programme transparency and relevance of the findings accessible to the broader stakeholder community (industry, scientific, NGO and regulatory organisations).

Policies for Research

Proposals must incorporate the following policies into their submittals.

Those organisations submitting Proposals should refer to the outline contract. This sets out the terms & conditions under which any contract will be carried out under the management of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP). In particular, attention is drawn to the specific term relating to management of health, safety, environment, and security aspects of a contract. All IOGP contracts have such a section, but the specific wording that will appear in this section depends on the type of activity (desk-top study, field work, etc) to be conducted.

Special Note on budgets

The JIP does not announce budget targets or pre-establish the number of proposals that will be funded under a given RFP. The JIP assumes that applicants will propose a budget that is appropriate to the scope of the research study and RFP. The JIP then selects projects whose scope best matches the Programme objectives.

More Information